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Masse requested anonymous confessions over the internet about anything regarding love, including unspoken words, tragic experiences, romantic or plutonic. Anything was welcome. She received over a thousand entries in a few weeks.
"I noticed how similar some of them were; different experiences with identical emotions."
Over the span of a month, Masse selected 17 confessions and turned them into tapestries using crochet and 100% Canadian wool she hand-dyed. The tapestries were then connected to create a massive piece at the end of the month long project. Masse explores how experiences revolving around love connect us all. Some of those experiences feel world-ending, freeing or ethereal. Each love statement is one person addressing another using their words to expose their vulnerability. These sensitive moments expose people's virtues and flaws. Masse believes that the naivety of love connects us and shapes who we are.
100% Canadian Wool, hand dyed with acid-dye
213cm x 182cm
Love Confessions